A bit about Mr. Wagner
Hello Pine City, if you're from around here you might remember me from Sausers Hardware, or possibily my years as a Pine City school student. Thats right I attended Pine City schools from Kindergarten through graduation. As a matter of fact, I had some of the teachers that are now my co workers, but I won't be telling you who! Don't try to guess either :)
I have worked as a Licensed Social Worker with the state of MN since 2012 and graduated from the University of Wisconsin Superior in 2010. I have a bachelors degree in Social Work and have spent the last 10 years providing direct services in the Twin Ports area and now more locally in Pine County, surrounding areas. My career stops as a social worker have included Harbor House Crisis Shelters, the Human Development Center, Therapeutic Services Agency, Chisago County Health and Human Services and now Pine City School District. During these stops I have worked with kids and adults, providing housing services, employment services, mental health and trauma support among many other supports. Please let me know how and if I can help you..... it is my passion to help others!
Outside of work I like to be outside, spending time with my family. I enjoy the farm life and have a hobby farm with may animals. Horses and fainting goats (They really faint, sometimes only half their body, which is pretty funny!) So I spend my time mostly fixing fences, putting out hay or shoveling you know what. I also enjoy vintage cars and equipment. I have worked on and driven around in several antique cars over the years. I hope to one day pull into town with a horse and buggy.... but I am still very much a work in progress with that. Snowmobling, 4 wheeling, dirt bike, dune buggy.... if it has an engine I enjoy driving it. Riding in the Chengwatana on an ATV is probably one of my favorite leisure activities.
Exercise, working outside is the best thing for me and it is good for you too! Walking through the woods with my wife and my dogs, can't beat it. Watching my girls do something fun outside..... sometimes we even walk our goats, ask me about it sometime! Love sports, go Vikings, Twins and of course Dragons! Really missing the baseball season this year! I am pretty lucky and look forward to getting to know you more too! Please come find me in the High School Guidance Office or across from the Elementary school nurse, or call me at 320-438-9946. If you need my help, I have time to help you!